Penelope Given H Redding

About Penelope Given H

Penelope Given H is a sixty-nine years year old female. Her ethnicity is irish and ethnic group is western european. Penelope Given H address is 35 Highland Ave Redding CT 06896 -3201. Renting 2 bedroom apartment at this ZIP code may cost $2,300 according to HUD. You can contact her by phone number (203) 544-9752. Christopher Given is also connected with phone number (203) 544-9752. This person estimated household income is $250,000 and estimated net worth is $250,000.


Address Rent* Resident Details
35 Highland Ave, Redding, ct 06896 $2,300 Current Details
* Fair market rent value for a two bedroom apartment at current ZIP. Source: HUD Office of Policy Development and Research 2021.

Penelope Given H Phone Numbers

People Living At The Same Address

Name Address Age Details
35 Highland Ave, Redding, CT 06896 36 Details
35 Highland Ave, Redding, CT 06896 71 Details
35 Highland Ave, Redding, CT 06896 40 Details

People Also Using (203) 544-9752 Phone Number

Name Address Age Details
Christopher Given 71 35 Highland Ave, Redding, CT 06896 Details