Hugh Hurlburt E Holyoke

About Hugh Hurlburt E

Hugh Hurlburt E is a sixty-five years year old male. His ethnicity is english and ethnic group is western european. Hugh Hurlburt E address is 12 Steven Dr Holyoke MA 01040 -1216. Renting 2 bedroom apartment at this ZIP code may cost $1,030 according to HUD. You can contact him by phone number (413) 533-0202. Other phone number connected with Hugh Hurlburt E is (413) 533-5249. His e-mail address is [email protected]. This person estimated household income is $50,000 and estimated net worth is $50,000.
Hugh Hurlburt E is connected with company Advance Electronics. Hugh position in this company is company contact. This company registration address is 12 Steven Dr Holyoke Ma 01040-1216. Advance Electronics works in Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods (Products) and the SIC industry description is Electrical Apparatus And Equipment. You can contact Advance Electronics by phone number: (413) 533-0202. Advance Electronics estimated number of employees is 2 and estimated annual revenue is $1,263,360.
According to vehicle sales records Hugh Hurlburt E sold 1 car. 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan with assigned VIN number 2D8HN54199R662538.
Hugh Hurlburt E is possible owner of 1 property. You can find them in properties section.


Address Rent* Resident Details
12 Steven Dr, Holyoke, ma 01040 $1,030 Current Details
343 Chicopee St, Chicopee, MA 01013 $1,070 Historical Detalis
424 West St, Ludlow, MA 01056 $1,140 Historical Detalis
* Fair market rent value for a two bedroom apartment at current ZIP. Source: HUD Office of Policy Development and Research 2021.

Hugh Hurlburt E Phone Numbers


Address Parcel ID Owner Land Use Total Value
12 Steven Dr, Holyoke, MA 01040 F_346306_2903434 HURLBURT HUGH E SR RANCH $167,000

Vehicle Sales Records

Car Year VIN Phone
DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 2009 2D8HN54199R662538

People Living At The Same Address

Name Address Age Details
12 Steven Dr, Holyoke, MA 01040 92 Details

People Also Using (413) 530-6136 Phone Number

Name Address Age Details
Claire M Hurlburt 92 12 Steven Dr, Holyoke, MA 01040 Details